Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Justice System Position Essay Example for Free

Justice System Position Essay Juvenile crime rates in the United States fell to a new 32-year low in 2013. In 2012 there were around 60,000 violent crime arrests involving youths under the age of 18. From 2011 to 2012 there was a 10% decline in the number of youth arrests for all four offenses, which contributed to an overall drop of 36 percent since 2003. In 1994, police reported 500 violent youth crime arrests for every 100,000 10-17-olds in the population. In 2008, the arrest rate fell and there were 300 arrests for every 100,000 juveniles in the population. Now, between 2009 and 2012, there are 190 arrests per 100,000 juveniles (Violent Youth Crime in U.S. falls to New 32-Year Low, 2013). What do all these numbers represent? A new hope in the future of the youth in the United States. Some of the main reasons contributing to this dramatic decrease in juvenile arrest rates include a shift in thinking about the best ways to handle young people who break the law, a continual period of decreasing juvenile crime, and fiscal pressures on state governments that have many people, including conservatives who supported tough-on-crime policies, looking for less-expensive alternatives to mass incarceration. The United States rates for incarceration for juveniles are18 times greater that of France, and more than seven times greater than that of Britain. Countries like Finland or Sweden do not usually lock up young offenders and offer the youth the best opportunities to mature into adulthood. Large-scale incarceration only leads to abuse and harsh treatment for the children and teenagers confined, and it is very expensive. In fact an average bed in a juvenile correction facility costs about $88,000 a year. Putting troubled youth into extremely disciplined, restrictive, and long-term environments goes against everything that we know about the juvenile brain and takes away opportunities from these adolescents to learn new skills and positive ways of behaving. Most states stress incarceration and punishment and it is interfering with effective diversionary, treatment, and rehabilitation practices (Building a More Effective Juvenile System, 2014). Rehabilitation practices seem to be the most logical route to treating  delinquent youth and preparing them for a better future. They are the future of America and they are treated now will affect the crime rates in the future. A number of evidence-based practices have made a positive impact on reduced incarceration and reoffending for youth. Research shows that threatening and disciplinary interactions, incarceration, and punishment only increase the aggressive behavior that we see in troubled youth. To help our youth and continue to decrease the rates of delinquency and re-offending we can reduce the weight on incarceration and punishment and increase offenders’ interactions with positive well-trained adults that will help them become better individuals. Juvenile delinquency has been a major problem for law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers have a goal to prevent juvenile delinquency from happening. Without knowing what triggers delinquency, officers have no idea how to stop it before it happens. In the past law enforcements reaction to delinquent behavior was to arrest these individuals. With the dramatic decrease in youth arrests, it makes a difference in what police officers are dealing with every day. It also makes their jobs safer. If law enforcement did nothing, then juveniles would continue to do the wrong. Law enforcement should show interest in the youths in the communities that they serve. Talking to them, asking questions, and pointing them in the right direction could change their lives. Police officers are role models and even can be heroes. In 2001 San Diego police officer Jeremy Henwood was approached by a 13-year-old boy and asked for a dime to buy a cookie at McDonalds. Officer Henwood took some time and asked the boy what he wanted to be when he grew up. The boy replied that he wanted to become a basketball player in the NBA. Officer Henwood explained to him that he would need to work hard and focus to get there. He bought the boy some cookies and went back to his police cruiser. Only moments later Officer Henwood was gunned down in his car and killed. When this boy heard the news it broke his heart and he said that his conversation with Officer Henwood meant so much to him. He said he would never forget the conversation that they had. It made a difference to him. He said that he would work hard to reach his goals because of him (Slain San  Diego Officer Remembered for Good Deeds, 2011). Law enforcement can make a difference for our youth and through these efforts reduce delinquency and make their jobs easier. Juvenile courts and probation play a central role in the management of juvenile justice in the United States. Any policies and programs pushed by these units greatly define the Nation’s response to juvenile crime. In 1996 1.76 million delinquency cases were handled by U.S. courts and juvenile probation officers had contact with almost every one of those cases. While rates have decreased since 1996, it still puts a huge weight on both units (Overview, 1999). While it might cost more to rehabilitate and treat all juvenile offenders at first, the number of reoffenders would decrease drastically. They could be taught how to use the skills they were born with, learn new skills, and learn how to be successful in life. Eventually the weight would not only be off of the court and probation system, but also off of the rehabilitation programs. Another unit in the justice system that would be affected by rehabilitation is corrections. Currently correction facilities do offer some sort of rehabilitation for those inmates who choose it or have no choice. Because of high demands, not every delinquent can receive the specific treatment that they need. If rehabilitation took priority in the first place, the incarceration rates would certainly decrease and these facilities could provide individualized treatment. As I mentioned earlier, to provide a bed for one youth for a year costs on average $88,000. If these numbers decreased, these funds could be used to provide scholarships and other incentives to our youth. Currently community services are used as a punishment for juvenile delinquents instead of incarceration. It usually is a method used to show a delinquent that there are consequences to their actions. Meaningful community service along with proper treatment can show children and young teens that there is so much more to l ife than getting into trouble. It is a great way to give back to the community and help these kids feel important. Rehabilitation comes in many forms but its main goal is to restore the good in a person and prevent habitual offending. These centers can provide academic and vocational education, treatment programs  that address violent and criminal behavior, sex offender behavior, substance abuse, mental health programs, and medical care while maintaining a safe and secure environment beneficial to learning. Programs such as these could reduce institutional violence and future criminal behavior by teaching anti-criminal attitudes and providing personal skills for youths. With all that said, some people argue that punishment is necessary and should remain the main focus of the juvenile justice system. Punishment advocates state that our youth understand right from wrong and should be punished for their actions. I think that what these advocates do not realize is what these kids are facing when they are locked up. The conditions that will live in while they serve the time on their sentence may act ually change them for the worse. Maybe if these advocates spent a day or a week living the way an incarcerated juvenile does their opinions would change dramatically. An argument against rehabilitation is that juvenile rehabilitation is unique for each individual. What works to treat one kid might not work for another. It makes it harder to treat each juvenile and get positive results. With each new entry into the system, the chances of rehabilitation for each kid decreases. That shouldn’t mean that everyone gives up hope and locks up each delinquent until they feel they have been punished long enough. What this shows is that more resources and time should be put into rehabilitation efforts. Creating facilities that specialize in different areas and placing these youths where they feel they will thrive is needed. If it doesn’t work, the information that they have learned about that delinquent should be enough to send them to another facility where they will receive the proper services. Before a child turns three years old the state is responsible for all learning disabilities. It is the job of the state to evaluate that child and pro vide services to help that child meet their milestones. Once the child turns three years old the school system in the state becomes responsible for the learning development of that child. The school system will evaluate and place the child into a school that will work to improve the skills of this child. If there are no improvements, the child will receive another evaluation and changes in placement will be made. This process continues until the child is receiving the exact learning environment that they need. I know all of this from personal experience with my son. These same efforts should be used for youths heading in the wrong  direction. They are the future of America and with youth arrest rates already decreasing, there is a chance for a safer future for a lot of people. Punishment can make a person angry and resentful. A child is usually provided warnings that if they continue certain behavior they will find themselves in â€Å"time out† or have certain toys or electronics taken away. Once they use up all possible warnings that punishment is enforced. It makes the child angry and upset but usually they realize that they have to be good before they are able to get out of â€Å"time out† or get back what was taken from them. As a mother I can say that these methods work. The difference in punishment at home and punishment by law is that it is a family matter. These children are working with loved ones. When punished by the law and placed in institutions it is not up to family anymore on what kind of treatment they will receive. It can be damaging to these kids. I can only hope that more time and effort be placed in helping these kids become better people. The right kind of rehabilitation efforts can help almost anyone. Taking time to learn the problems a juvenile has and working to show them that it is only a problem and problems always have a solution, is a positive approach to decreasing juvenile delinquency. Given the decreasing rates of delinquency over the last 32 years shows, in my opinion, that our country is on the right track in helping our youth. Change has always been necessary and ways to improve are always on the agenda. Reference Page Violent Youth Crime in U.S. Falls to New 32-Year Low. (2013). Retrieved from Juvenile Delinquency Current Issues, Best Practices, and Promising Approaches. (2008). Retrieved from (Juvenile Delinquency Current Issues, Best Practices, And Promising Approaches, 2008). Building a More Effective Juvenile System. (2014). Retrieved from Slain San Diego officer remembered for good deeds. (2011). Retrieved from Overview. (1999). Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free Essays - Tale of Two Cities :: Tale Two Cities Essays

  Tale of two Cities      In the fictitious novel Tale of Two Cities, the author, Charles Dickens lays out a brilliant plot. Charles Dickens was born in England on February 7, 1812 nears the south coast. His family moved to London when he was ten years old and quickly went into debt. To help support him, Charles went to work at a blacking warehouse when he was twelve. His father was soon imprisoned for debt and shortly thereafter the rest of the family split apart. Charles continued to work at the blacking warehouse even after his father inherited some money and got out of prison. When he was thirteen, Dickens went back to school for two years. He later learned shorthand and became a freelance court reporter. He started out as a journalist at the age of twenty and later wrote his first novel, The Pickwick Papers. He went on to write many other novels, including Tale of Two Cities in 1859.   Tale of Two Cities takes place in France and England during the troubled times of the French Revolution. There are travels by the characters between the countries, but most of the action takes place in Paris, France. The wineshop in Paris is the hot spot for the French revolutionists, mostly because the wineshop owner, Ernest Defarge, and his wife, Madame Defarge, are key leaders and officials of the revolution. Action in the book is scattered out in many places; such as the Bastille, Tellson's Bank, the home of the Manettes, and largely, the streets of Paris. These places help to introduce many characters into the plot.   One of the main characters, Madame Therese Defarge, is a major antagonist who seeks revenge, being a key revolutionist. She is very stubborn and unforgiving in her cunning scheme of revenge on the Evermonde family. Throughout the story, she knits shrouds for the intended victims of the revolution. Charles Darnay, one of whom Mrs. Defarge is seeking revenge, is constantly being put on the stand and wants no part of his own lineage. He is a languid protagonist and has a tendency to get arrested and must be bailed out several times during the story. Dr. Alexander Manette, a veteran prisoner of the Bastille and moderate protagonist, cannot escape the memory of being held and sometimes relapses to cobbling shoes. Dr. Manette is somewhat redundant as a character in the novel, but plays a very significant part in the plot.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Personal life Essay

Living a â€Å"Good Life. † This is something most people strive for, but what we all question is, what is it that leads to a â€Å"good life,† or what does it really mean to have a â€Å"good life. † Most people would agree that whatever makes a person happy will lead to a good life, but happiness with each individual differs. Whether it be pleasure, wealth, or health many can disregard the virtue of true happiness, and their material desires leads to ignorance. Aristotle’s answer to this is that we must enjoy the proper things in life in order to be happy; and it is through proper activities that we are able to live the Good Life. I would have to agree with Aristotle’s beliefs, because of my upbringing, simple material things will not make me fully happy; one must live a just life filled with happiness. There is this woman named Janice, she s a manager for a major corporate office. Janice believes her happiness and the happiness of her children relies on her success in her career, and how much money she makes. She will do whatever it takes in order to rise up in the company to get any extra bonus or raise—even if it means stepping on other people to get there. Aristotle would say Janice is not living the Good Life by concentrating on the wealth and mistreating others for her own personal gain, because what she is doing is not a proper activity. I believe Aristotle may believe that the way Janice is living is irrational, and not the â€Å"good life,† because her happiness relies on her material wealth. According to J.L Ackrill from the Princeton university press Aristotle’s argument is as follows: 1) proper activities are those activities that best represent or fulfill the unique nature or purpose of humankind; 2) the unique nature or purpose of humankind is found in that particular quality which separates us from other species of beings; 3) that particular quality which separates us from other species of beings is reason; thus, 4) those activities that best express our reasoning abilities are those activities that will allow us to lead the Good Life; therefore, 5) some activities, like Janice’s activities, are not able to lead us to live the Good Life because again it is not a proper activity. Happiness isn’t simple, and living a good life isn’t easy. We can’t all just focus on the material; we have to focus on reason, on the virtue of our decisions. I was raise in a Christian home, so by default I was taught about being a servant to others, spreading the word of Jesus Christ, living a good life—according to what God has declared for me. But I believe that Aristotle’s belief of a good life coincides with some of what God has planned for me, by doing what is proper, and in my interpretation what is proper for me is following my path that God has laid out for me. We all have a purpose to life, everyone and everything. We are pieces to an order, a design t our universe, everything somehow fits together, we see the good and the truth through living justly with values and virtuous lifestyles, doing what makes us happy but only things that are â€Å"proper. † Aristotle believes that happiness is God given, and we need to live right by God.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids ) - 1401 Words

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Duckworth 2 The history of the awful words AIDS and HIV has distressed the world for the past 40 years. It has infused panic in the world from its illness, fear, and regrettably death. AIDS was announced to the world in 1980. It is highly believed that this illness began in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Prior to this time, it is undetermined of the number of people infected developed AIDS or HIV because there were not many visible warnings or symptoms. Some researchers note that by the mid 1970’s the virus was current but not recorded as the virus due to not having the knowledge of the disease. By 1980, it is believed that the AIDS and HIV illness had already wandered to five continents, infecting approximately 100,000 to 300,000 people. The AIDS and the HIV is a very grave and dangerous illness. This illness has no respectable persons to attack. It is not concerned about social status, gender, race, or age group. It is subject to attack anyone at any place, an d anytime when people are placed in AIDS and HIV risky situations. The illness AIDS, (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a full blown disease that is caused by a virus known as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Once diagnosed with this virus, this illness affects, alters, and shut down the body’s immune system, thus making humans defenseless and useless toShow MoreRelatedAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1289 Words   |  6 PagesIrrefutably, the immune system is ones’ shield against pathogens, ones’ knight in shining armor that confronts intruders. Over time the immune system can deteriorate, and that comes with age and declining health. Other times the immune system fights against itself causing autoimmune diseases that may or may not do irreparable harm. And sometimes, immune deficiency can be acquired. This is the case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a disease where the immune sy stem depreciatesRead MoreAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1190 Words   |  5 PagesAIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a range of conditions caused by the infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It is believed to have originated in Africa in the early to mid-twentieth century, mutated from related viruses in chimpanzees and the sooty mangabey monkey. In 1981 AIDS was first clinically detected in people who had used intravenous drugs and homosexual men. They exhibited symptoms of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), an unusual infection that was seenRead MoreAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Or Aids1512 Words   |  7 PagesAcquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS comes from the latest stage of the HIV disease. HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is a retrovirus which means it has RNA nucleic acid and genetic material where most have DNA. The virus enters the cells of the body as most do, through endocytosis of white blood cells trying to kill it. When a macrophage ingests a virus, the cell then takes a piece of the virus and presents it on the surface, thus becoming an antigen presenting cell. The antigenRead MoreAids ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )1968 Words   |  8 PagesOverview of HIV AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was first recognized in 1981 and has since become a major worldwide pandemic (NIH, 2011). HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a direct causation of AIDS. HIV spreads through certain body fluids and attacks the body’s immune system CD4 cells, so that the body is unable to fight off infections and with a much weakened immune system AIDS develops (CDC, 2015). Transmission of this virus happens when exchange of certain body fluids occursRead MoreHiv / Aids Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome775 Words   |  4 PagesHIV/AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a devastating disease, the scope and depth having no boundaries, permeating into many areas of the world, oblivious to social class, lifestyle, or culture. Initially reported in 1981, HIV/ AIDS rapidly spread and by 1987, 100 countries conveyed the presence of HIV/AIDS. (Maurer Smith, 2009). â€Å"By 2001, it was the leading infectious cause of death in the world, killing almost 3 million people, and by 2002, approximately 5 million people wereRead MoreWhen Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )772 Words   |  4 PagesWhen Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) appeared in the early 1980’s on United States’ soil, people - including healthcare professionals - were confused about its nature and origin ( The public looked for a scapegoat and found it in the gay male contingent (Isay). What if a similar phenomenon happened, but in a keystone insect? Rowan Jacobsen, in Fruitless Fall, asserts that a comparable type of illness is affecting the honey bee, apis mellifera; the illness, now termed Colony CollapseRead MoreThe Causative Agent Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1372 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, is the causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Currently, there are two types of HIV isolated, HIV-1 and HIV-2, which are both retroviruses and able to perform reverse transcriptase (Leboffe 2011). While HIV-1 is spread throughout the world, HIV-2 is confined to West Africa and is better protective against the progression to AIDS. Genome of HIV-1 only contains nine genes. It is transmitted by body fluids such as blood, breastRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1199 Words   |  5 PagesThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the deadliest pandemics the world has ever known. Unprecedented efforts and resources have been mobilized to fight the infection worldwide. While obvious progress has been made, HIV infection still hit hard and the field of public health continues actively to raise awareness about this issue and help affected people. Public health professionals constantly look for new ways to reach high-risk populations, butRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) Or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1281 Words   |  6 PagesA major epidemic across the world is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Accredited with 10% of the HIV cases annually is injection drug use (, 2014). A study done in 2010 showed that injection drug use affected nearly 47,500 new HIV infections in the United States. With 625 being males and 38% being female. Breaking it down even further, African Americans made up 50% of the newly affecting using injection drugs, Whites 26%, and Latinos/ HispanicsRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( Aids )1449 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) /Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is present around the world. HIV weakens the bodyâ €™s immune system by attacking its defences against disease this later develops into AIDS which causes for the body to be unable to fight of illness and diseases it usually could (, 2015). Chad a country of Sub Saharan Africa has an estimated 210,000 people living with HIV/Aids. Working to decrease this a number promotional incentives are being run such as the